Greeting from me

About Me

My photo
I have been writing since the age of 12. I started blogging in middle of 2009. Attributes my balanced view of life to doting my parents, who sent me to Chinese Primary School in Selangor for my primary education before I joined Assunta School during my high school days. Now,Im a graduated student. Blogging is one of my part time.

I am a traveler seeking the truth, a human searching for the meaning of humanity and a citizen seeking dignity, freedom, stability and welfare under the shade of Islam. I am a free man who is aware of the purpose of his existence and who proclaims: “Truly, my prayer and my sacrifice, my living and my dying are all for Allah, the Lord of the worlds; no partner has He. This, am I commanded and I am of those who submit to His Will.” This is who I am. Who are you?

My words

The way I get meaning into my life
is to devote myself to loving others,
devote myself to my community around me,
and devote myself to creating something
that gives me purpose and meaning..

Thursday, 22 September 2011


It had been awhile I not update this blog…
Welcome to all blogger…
This time, my post in PDF format..
I don’t have much time to write here because the post longer than previous post.
So, you guys can upload and read it during free time…
The story is in Bahasa Melayu… Insya-ALLAH, i will my best to translate it into English Language later.. 

About The Post  
Warkah buat ibu

This post I wrote when i was in hospital and I took about a month to finished this post.
At beginning, it was very difficult for me to wrote but when I saw unpleasant accident at the hospital. Then, i try to manage to wrote it…

It is about my mum, a person who really cares about me till now… A person who is always awake at late night just want to accompany me, her sick child…

Every time when i need her, she always a side of me…
But now, i have grown into a man of understanding. I can feel what my mum feel about me…
I try my best to manage myself and when i’m sick, i never tell my mum because i’m afraid she worry about me…

Thank you, Mummy…
Enjoy it…

With lots of love,
Writer of PSMRC

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As'salamualaikum w.b.t penulis..

Masihkah penulis ingat pada saya?
Kita pernah berjumpa di hospital beberapa bulan yang lepas. Ketika itu, penulis sibuk berkarya. Saya cuma perhatikan dari jauh sahaja. Kemudian, saya meminta izin untuk melihat karya penulis.

Penulis, tidak inginkah karya penulis diterbitkan sebuah buku? Saya sudah baca beberapa karya penulis dan saya merasakan bahawa karya penulis sangat bagus. Begitu mendalam dan terdapat maksud tersirat disebalik karya penulis.
Saya berdoa agar kerya penulis akan diterbitkan menjadi satu buku yang bermanfaat. INSYA-ALLAH...

Sekian, Wassalam...