Greeting from me

About Me

My photo
I have been writing since the age of 12. I started blogging in middle of 2009. Attributes my balanced view of life to doting my parents, who sent me to Chinese Primary School in Selangor for my primary education before I joined Assunta School during my high school days. Now,Im a graduated student. Blogging is one of my part time.

I am a traveler seeking the truth, a human searching for the meaning of humanity and a citizen seeking dignity, freedom, stability and welfare under the shade of Islam. I am a free man who is aware of the purpose of his existence and who proclaims: “Truly, my prayer and my sacrifice, my living and my dying are all for Allah, the Lord of the worlds; no partner has He. This, am I commanded and I am of those who submit to His Will.” This is who I am. Who are you?

My words

The way I get meaning into my life
is to devote myself to loving others,
devote myself to my community around me,
and devote myself to creating something
that gives me purpose and meaning..

Friday, 25 November 2011


Assalamualaikum kepada semua pembaca,
Sekali lagi, coretan setitik dakwat dari hujung tinta buat semua.

Bila dihisab di akhirat nanti,
Mohon diri akan Rahmat Ilahi.
Bukan ibadat, amal & bakti,
Hanya berserah kepada Ilahi.

Tuntutlah ilmu sedaya upaya,
Sebaik-baik ilmu anugerah Ilahi.
Iman & Taqwa menenang jiwa,
Amanat Nabi jangan dilupai.
Nabi memikir akan ummatnya,
Doanya agar ummat selamat.
Di dunia beriman di akhirat selamat.
Ummatnya nabi memikul amanat.
Amanat itu perjuangan nabi,
Berdakwah Dia setiap hari.
Menangis pula didinihari,
Memohon Rahmat dari Ilahi.
Kasih ummat kepada Nabi,
Menyembung usaha menyemai bakti.
Memasti Islam disebar & dinaungi,
Rukuk & sujud kepada Ilahi.
Hebatnya Islam pada keimanan,
Bukan sekadar pada perjuangan.
Jangan tertipu akan syaitan,
Berjuang diri TANPA keIMANan.

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