Greeting from me

About Me

My photo
I have been writing since the age of 12. I started blogging in middle of 2009. Attributes my balanced view of life to doting my parents, who sent me to Chinese Primary School in Selangor for my primary education before I joined Assunta School during my high school days. Now,Im a graduated student. Blogging is one of my part time.

I am a traveler seeking the truth, a human searching for the meaning of humanity and a citizen seeking dignity, freedom, stability and welfare under the shade of Islam. I am a free man who is aware of the purpose of his existence and who proclaims: “Truly, my prayer and my sacrifice, my living and my dying are all for Allah, the Lord of the worlds; no partner has He. This, am I commanded and I am of those who submit to His Will.” This is who I am. Who are you?

My words

The way I get meaning into my life
is to devote myself to loving others,
devote myself to my community around me,
and devote myself to creating something
that gives me purpose and meaning..

Saturday, 23 July 2011


Already 1:52 am , but I still can not sleep. Hopefully, this poem a guide and lessons for us all. Poetry is my gift to a friend, colleague and friend who would always be my side. . 
Not easy looking good friends.
It's not easy also want to become good friends.

Good friends never gossip behind her/his best friend.

Good friends never jealous of the success of her/his best friend.

On the other hand a good friend the most help his/her good friend for success.

Good friends never affects her/his best friend to make things that are bad and useless.

Good friends are people who are good friends always advise him/her to do good.

A good friend was the first to be sought when the time comes sadness or joy.

A good friend to the place where we express what can not be expressed on normal friends.

Good friends never forced her/his best friend to always side.
Good friends never forbade her/his best friend to be friends with good friends.

Good friends never jealous when her/his best friend had many good friends, because friends are good to know what is best for her best friend.

Good friends will always pray for prosperity and happiness of her/his best friend in the world and the hereafter in his prayer.

We are good friends if we understand that our good friend is not a perfect man.

We are not good friends if we do not appreciate our good friend, as good friends will always appreciate his good friend.

We are not good friends if we do not tell good things to our good friend, as good friends will always deliver the good to a good friend.

Good friends will extend these copies to his friends, not because you must, not because of pleasure, but to serve as guidelines by his friends to become a good friend to her best friend.

And if we want to get a good close friends, we must first become a good friend to our good friend.

And may we be good good friends!

We are friends right?

"We can not think of God. We do not know HIS plan for us. God shows the greatness HIS absolute power in the hands of just HIS. I believe that the relationships we build friendships, there comes from it, and is one blessing for us. God's Word means, "And whatever is in your favor, it comes from God."-Surah An-Nahl verse 53 -

May Our friendship that we built full of joy..

Difficult and easy together we overcome..

Lets creating memories together as we are still together ...

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Kepada-MU sahaja Hamba-Mu memohon

Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang.

Demi Tuhanku yang diriku di bawah penguasaan-Nya dan sentiasa dalam pengawasan-Nya, aku tidak menulis melainkan untuk mengabdikan diri kepada-Nya dan dengan izin-Nya. Sesungguhnya aku menulis dengan penuh kasih sayangku kepadamu sebagai seorang sahabat, sebagai seorang saudara seagamaku. Aku tidak inginkan melainkan kebaikan bagi dirimu dan bagi diriku agar kita sama-sama beroleh syurga yang sangat kita impikan di pengakhiran sebuah perhitungan.

Dengan kebesaran Ar-Rahman dan Ar-Rahim-MU, dengan rendah hati ku menagih keampunan dan rahmat –Mu. Kasihanilah ku, kedua ibu bapaku, keluarga ku, guru-guru ku dan sahabat seperjuangan ku. Terimalah segala amalan ku. Ku menyembah, memohon reda-MU.

Kurniakanlah ketenangan di hati ku sebagimana tenangnya Madinah dan Raudah. Janganlah KAU biarkan kedamaian Raudah berlalu kepada ku. Putarkanlah fikiran dan hati ku agar sentiasa jitu dan tidak bosan mengingati Baitullah sebagaimana malaikat tanpa jemu bertawaf di BaitulMakmur-MU. Berikanlah ku hati yang mencintai Kaabah-MU dan kerendahan jiwa yang mahu bersolat sehampir mungkin dengan Kaabah-MU.

Anugerahkanlah ku syafaat Rasul-MU. Bangkitlah diriku bersama para syuhada dan berikanlah ku laluan VVIP di titian sirat. Basahkan tekak ku di Yamul Akhirah dengan telaga Kauthar-MU. Berikanlah karpet merah hamparan indah untuk ku melangkah ke syurga-MU. Ku tidak mampu dan tidak berdaya untuk berhadapan dengan kemurkaan-MU.

Arafah telah membina diriku untuk menjadi insan yang sentiasa mengharap belas kasih-MU dan kebergantungan ku hanya untuk-MU. Hanya diri-MU Ya ALLAH... tempat ku berteduh daripada kepalsuan dunia yang melekakan ku...
Amin ya rabbal alamin...

Written by: Writer P.S.M.R.C
(07.07.2011 – 03.15 a.m.)

Sunday, 10 July 2011

Cinta Kaabah


ALLAH dan Rasul mengajar kita untuk menfokuskan ke satu arah iaitu Kaabah di Masjidilharam. Berbillion umat Nabi Muhammad s.a.w menfokuskan fikiran, jiwa dan fizi
kal ke arah Kaabah semasa solat. Tumpuan kepada Kaabah berlaku tanpa henti mengikut ketentuan waktu, dari ufuk timur hinggalah ke ufuk barat, mengelilingi bumi.

“ Sesungguhnya rumah yang mula-mula dibangunkan untuk (menjadi tempat ibadat) manusia ialah Baitullah yang di Bakkah (Mekah) yang diberkati dan menjadi petunjuk bagi semua manusia. Padanya terdapat tanda-tanda nyata (di antaranya) menjadi amanlah dia; mengerjakan haji adalah kewajipan manusia terhadap ALLAH, iaitu bagi yang sanggup mengadakan perjalanan ke Baitullah.” – Surah ali-Imran:96-97)

Mekah dan Kaabah adalah pusat ibadat pertama yang diperintahkan ALLAH untuk dibina. Di kala cinta Kaabah memuncak, di kala itu jugalah Muhammad berdukacita akibat sindiran Yahudi. Maka ALLAH yang Maha Penyayang menurunkan ayat Quran dan mengizinkan cinta Kaabah direalisasikan.

ALLAH S.W.T berfirman :


“ Dan dari mana sahaja kamu keluar, maka palingkanlah wajahmu ke arah Masjidilharam. Dan di mana sahaja kamu sekalian berada, maka palingkanlah wajahmu ke arahnya, agar tidak ada hujah bagi manusia atas kamu, kecuali orang ang zalim di antara mereka. Maka janganlah kamu takut kepada mereka dan takutlah kepada-KU. Dan agar AKU sempurnakan nikmat-KU atasmu dan supaya kamu mendapat petunjuk.” –Surah al-Baqarah; 149-150)-

Kita dilatih sejak kecil untuk mencintai Baitullah dan Kaabah. Tanpa disedari, kita dipujuk untuk berkongsi satu Kaabah dengan berbillion manusia. Cinta Baitullah dan cinta Kaabah menjemput hati untuk mengagungkan ALLAH, melutut memohon keampunan dan kasih saying-NYA serta meleria kebuntuan ranjau duniawi. Kehebatan Kaabah memaku emosi, membuka hat waima sekeras kerikil dan mencairkan hati dengan linangan air mata tanpa henti. Maka cinta Kaabah mampu menjadi bekalan yang tinggi nilainya.




Written by: Writer PSMRC

(06.07.2011- 5.32 p.m.)

Saturday, 2 July 2011

A Friend…

In The Name Of Allah,
the most Beneficent, the most Gracious, the most Merciful!



It is very difficult for me express all that happened today.
Everything happened so fast, without it being me explain ..

On Wednesday last, I have been to the hospital to meet with the orthopaedic specialist. As usual, the result is the same. The words are like a tape recorder that will be repeated each time I was in the hospital. I was able to memorize the words to be.

Sometimes, I feel lazy to go to the hospital because I knew what would a doctor say. His words made me jaded, lost confidence in doctors or in other words the medical people.

While the afternoon, I will go to the department to undergo physiotherapy and rehabilitation. I like was able to memorize what to say by my physio interpreter. "Brothers, lying on the bed of the first yea." In the department, there are six small rooms that are decorated with pink curtains. In addition there is an interpreter physio, there are also practical physiotherapy students. Every time I step into the department, I will choose the room itself was my favourite. Usually I would choose number 3 or 1. But by itself, will follow the desires of my physiotherapist. If I select the room number, they just follow it.

Sometimes Masterskill students who helped me in the case of ni. And sometimes, the Medical College MAHSA and Sungai Buloh. Until now I have 18 times to make this treatment. But some changes can not I see. I like regular Customers there. I know all the physiotherapist. Also reluctant to make. I never expect to stop all treatment that I received today. Urm ..

I have someone I call him eligible for a friend. I met him when I was in tuition. I spoke to him about it, and he advised me not to do so. Because it makes me suffer. If I think about it, there is also logic in his words. Although I do not know him, for me, he is entitled to call me in the companions ....

O Allah!
Truly I thank you for having been bestowed on another friend to me. First, I am always in frustration as betrayed by my friends that I was afraid of making friends. However, now you have opened the door of my life to be friends again. Thank you O God ...

O Allah!
If his presence, is a gift from You, then I will appreciate him and love him as you appreciate my beloved Prophet, Muhammad
If he was a friend for me, and you give a close friendship based on your laws, O God ..
Hopefully our ukhuwah will be forever ... Insyah-ALLAH ...


Written by:  writer PSMRC

(02.07.2011 – 3.21 a.m.)